Navigating From Uncertainty To ProfitabilityThrough Relentless Innovation

Business Transformation Consulting

BizNav™ Partners is a business transformation consultancy that provides clients with the navigational tools and support to find success in rapidly shifting and uncertain times. Challenges create opportunities and we bring the savvy, experience and skills to guide you to success with speed and efficiency.

Business Navigation (Biz-nəs Nav-ə-ˈgā-shən): The process of transforming a business by defining and moving up the optimal path to get from where you are to where you want to go.

A Record of Success

The founders of BizNav™ Partners are a pair of platinum orphans who met back in the mid-nineties while serving on the President’s Committee for the Arts and Humanities. Collectively, they have over 50 years of experience and success working with dozens of leading brands in a variety of categories and channels of distribution. Along with their network of associates, the team offers a unique mix of skills and expertise that can transform businesses and operating models to deliver sustained growth and profitability.

Mike Zucker – Leader – Merchandising – Process – Analysis – New Business – Brand/Product – Change Management

Mike Zucker

Mike was most recently a leader for $1.3B in US business for Samsonite. Extensive experience building businesses across multiple channels of distribution for wholesale, retail, and ecommerce SBU’s.

Michael De Boer – Entrepreneur – Start-up – Creative Pragmatist – Marketing Leader – Marketing Automation

Michael De Boer

Michael has always been at the forefront of marketing and technology. He has worked with some of the biggest brands in the world across a number of different categories.

Situation Analysis

The global pandemic, climate change and cultural upheaval have brought unprecedented challenges and uncertainty. The marketplace and sales channels are shifting. In some categories spending has dropped while others have seen robust growth. Consumer behavior is changing rapidly. Working from home looks to be a long term thing. Supply chains are disrupted. Many businesses are likely charged with doing more with less staff and budget.

Every challenge that crosses our path drives us towards innovation and opportunity. However, this shifting environment also brings with it a substantial amount of risk. When facing choppy seas you need seasoned navigators behind the helm to mitigate the risks while capturing the opportunities.

Business transformation consultancy - Situation analysis
Business transformation consultancy - Business Navigation

Business Navigation™

BizNav™ Partners works with clients to adapt and optimize their business models through challenging and evolving environments. We dig deep on what you sell, where you sell, who you sell to, prospective target markets, pricing, and marketing strategies. From a solid foundation of understanding, we improve the status quo to create a higher performing business model that results in improved profitability, equity growth and more cash in the bank.